Spatenstich Kottingbrunn

Nach der einjährigen Bauphase heißen wir Sie ab Montag, 22. Mai 2023, auf unserem neuen Standort in Kottingbrunn herzlich willkommen:

Truck Center Kottingbrunn

Etrich-Straße 45-55

2542 Kottingbrunn


Sämtliche Kontaktpersonen in der Werkstatt, im Verkauf und im Headquarter sowie deren Telefonnummern und Mail-Adressen bleiben unverändert.

Wir freuen uns, Sie demnächst in Kottingbrunn begrüßen zu dürfen.

upload your best picture of your truck. You can choose a .jpg or .png format
I agree that when submitting this form, Renault Trucks will store and keep my personal data as long as required to evaluate the information provided and in order to be able to contact me back about this specific subject. My data may also be transferred to Renault Trucks partners and distributors that will be able to handle my demand.
I agree to receive news and information about Renault Trucks products and events. I will be able to stop these communications in every email I receive.